With the announcement that passengers of legal age may bring cannabis on domestic flights, AOT clarifies actual regulations.
Airports of Thailand’s Security Department today informed Coconuts that their rules only forbade passengers under the age of 20 from flying with cannabis, despite the fact that more than ten calls to various departments at AOT and the Civil Aviation Authority were answered with “I don’t knows” and occasionally laughter.Like any other liquid, cannabis in liquid form is limited to 100 milliliters, the security department spokesperson continued.
Beyond, one presumes, the standard 7 kilograms for carry-on or whatever airlines’ restriction is for checked bags, there isn’t even a cap on how much one can carry.
The Airports of Thailand, or AOT, representative told over the phone that there is now “no set order as to how much one can transport cannabis.” We’ll just wait for that and stick to the guidelines, then.The public relations department of AOT also reaffirmed the legality of cannabis in an email.
However, it may be difficult to travel with secondary cannabis products like edibles, hashish, or oils because airport security cannot check whether they contain more THC than the permitted 0.2 percent limit.
The office of the Narcotics Control Board must also be notified, which could delay security checks. “However, please note that AOT does not have the authority to check on THC %,” AOT said.
The regulations emphasize once more how the removal of cannabis from the list has left a legal void.
Since cannabis was delisted as a Category 5 drug one week ago today, there are no rules governing it except from what contained in today’s emergency order imposing an age restriction and forbidding sale to pregnant and nursing women. However, those from outside who are thinking about packing their bags and traveling to Thailand to use pot ought to think twice.
The Public Health Ministry today reaffirmed in a brief statement that importing any cannabis or hemp, in any form, is still prohibited.
The Public and Consumer Affairs Division of the Food and Drug Administration issued a statement that stated that it was prohibited to bring any pieces of cannabis or hemp into the country, in addition to the final products containing cannabis and hemp and hemp-derived products.