The government’s stance on cannabis is focused on promoting health and economic development in Thailand, as clarified by Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul. It is important to note that the government’s intention is not to encourage unregulated recreational use of cannabis.

As a leader of the Bhumjaithai Party, Anutin has been a strong advocate for the benefits of cannabis, particularly in the medical, health, and economic sectors. In a previous parliamentary session, the party had submitted a bill on cannabis regulation, which unfortunately was dismissed. However, Anutin remains determined and committed to resubmitting the bill in the current parliament to promote the numerous advantages that cannabis brings.

Addressing concerns surrounding the legalization of cannabis, Minister Anutin emphasized the need to dispel misconceptions and halt the spread of misinformation. He called on all parties involved to refrain from perpetuating misunderstandings about the government’s intentions.

In addition to the cannabis policy, the Ministry of Interior is also reintroducing the CEO Governor concept for provincial administration. This initiative aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of local administrations and public services by empowering provincial governors as CEOs of their respective provinces.

Despite the government’s efforts, the Move Forward Party has expressed criticism, viewing the policy as a step towards centralization rather than decentralization. However, Minister Anutin has reassured critics that he is open to providing a detailed explanation of the policy to address any misconceptions or misunderstandings.

The legalization of cannabis in Thailand since June 9, 2022, marks a significant milestone in the country’s approach to cannabis regulation. While the government’s focus is primarily on promoting health and economic growth, it is imperative to continue fostering an open dialogue to ensure a well-informed and responsible approach to cannabis consumption.

As a disclaimer, the opinions expressed in this article don’t reflect those of High Thailand.

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