Dispensary: Local farm
Rating: 2.0 leaves
I should have been more prepared for Bruce Lemon, but I was not. The packaging correctly labeled the bud an indica; however I erroneously thought it was a fifty/fifty hybrid (from previous online research). This particular Korat grown bud is definitely an indica.
The bud itself is pretty and dense with a mild sour citrussy odor which becomes stronger when ground. The flavor at low temperatures is very similar to Lemon Gatorade, at higher temperature the flavor becomes closer to a Schweppes Bitter Lemon and becomes more and more bitter losing its lemon taste at higher temperatures. When vaped or smoked, this bud burns fast with thick clouds of vape and smoke.
Bruce Lemon gets straight to business with no foreplay. It hits hard causing users to squint from its strength. Users will find a cloudiness to their heads with a numbness to their thoughts. There is no euphoria, no creativity, no sense of calm or relaxation. Instead, there is just numbness and nothingness. Some users, such as your dedicated correspondent, will find themselves squinting from the bud’s strength. The strain also may leave users in an emotional state, at one point your correspondent found himself with a deep sad feeling. Luckily this feeling passed after a few minutes, but this was very unpleasant.
This bud does have a good effect on the body, relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Furthermore, the intense stoned feeling of the strain wanes quickly after its peak. Users who want to maintain this stoned state will need to return for a second sampling of the bud. However, users who want to chill and have more of a high can wait out the stoned effects for a more relaxing and pleasant high in the end.
Bruce Lemon, at least the Bruce Lemon I got my hands on, is not a strain I will return to. It is too much of a “hard drug” and this is one of the few cases where I associate a strain of weed with being sad. I am not a stranger to fleeting senses of paranoia and fear, but sadness is something I do not associate with cannabis. Cannabis, tolerance, preferences are all subjective. Perhaps this strain has an appropriate match out there, but that match is not me.