Grower: Humble Gardens

Rating: 4.5

There’s no turning back once you open a jar of Humble Gardens’ Magic Marker. Heavy petrol fumes mixed with concentrated sour sweet prunes immediately replacing all the oxygen in the room. This is not the smell of a candy shop, but rather of some sort of distillery creating thick syrup cordials for ancient alcoholics of another era. The flavor starts off matching the aroma with an added spice which progressively develops into more of an herbal note until stabilizing into a flavor reminiscent of Jägermeister—a neo-Jägerbomb of sorts, perhaps. 

Magic Marker’s high is like floating on a thick slow moving cloud of happiness. The body ain’t doing much and the mind, while strangely awake and operating, is content to let the body reduce into a pile listless carbon material on the couch. It is a feel good, pain reducing, lazy bud.

I highly recommend Magic Marker to all experienced consumers. It is a strong bud and I would not recommend more than one or two puffs for novice consumers. But it is a bud which has it all: aroma, flavor and high. That is, of course, if you are a fan of gassy and adult fruity cultivars. 

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Mendel Menachem

Mendel Menachem is a curious and well-known cannabis commentator in Thailand, with a particular focus on locally grown flowers and their growers. His unwavering support for the local industry has earned him widespread respect within the Thai cannabis community. Mendel also regularly reviews cannabis from throughout the country, which he expertly reviews thanks to his renowned palate. Follow him on Instagram