Grower: Humble Gardens
Rating: 4.5
Humble Gardens is consistent, and there isn’t much I can add from my previous review about Magic Marker other to say that it is still awesome and perhaps stronger? It definitely is a heavy hitter. The bud emerges with heavy gasoline fumes which overtake everything until they reveal elements of apricot and mango and then lemon citrus—all the while with a strong industrial essence of fermentation. The flavor starts off with a gassy rubber (and prunes?) with a subtle sweet herbalness which develops into mint and then anise by the end. Strong, strong and strong are the three words I’d use to describe the flavor and aroma.
Magic Marker’s high left me sitting around and lying around anywhere I could. For about 90 minutes my body lay ineffective and useless, and painless and stressless, as my mind digested endless reels and videos created by the best of our generations. Eventually—once I found a video I actually was interested in—I passed out until morning.
To recap my original recommendation “I highly recommend Magic Marker to all experienced consumers. It is a strong bud and I would not recommend more than one or two puffs for novice consumers. But it is a bud which has it all: aroma, flavor and high.”