Grower: Epicure Thailand/Teera Group
Rating: 4.5
Its been a while since the boys and girls and Teera Group, now rechristened Epicure Thailand, sent through their buds. They are now returning to the scene, and I have been lucky enough to receive pre-launch samples of their latest harvest. I started with their Point Break, a bud which lived up to the legendary name of that fantastic movie. It takes a bit of manipulation, but once this bud is ground it emits a luxurious essence of mint and herbs, dough, sweet earth and spring rain forest (though not pine). A dry pull reveals a sweet, mint herbal “mouth smell”. The flavor mirrors the aroma and is incredibly smooth, delicious, refreshing with the taste of a fresh walk through the forest coming through beautifully.
If there was ever a bud which evidenced the fact that all cannabis use is health use it is Point Break. This bud is therapeutic with an immediate relaxed, chill and destressing effect moving into a soaring euphoria. The consumer will be at peace, content, at ease with the world and themself, all the time inhabiting a cloud floating gently to the world of slumber.
I highly recommend Point Break to all consumers. This is plain good medicine. Medicine that cures the maladies resulting from the daily grind. It works to correct the long hours of a day and the stress of the city. Novice consumers—have a bed ready. You will feel amazing, then you will drift to sleep. (Keep some snacks around as well).