Grower: Fire Farms
Rating: 4.5
I really love this latest harvest from Fire Farms. Their RS11 is crazy good, starting with heavy gassy fumes which permeate the neighborhood revealing bright fruit candy aromas once the nostrils adjust. The dry pull is just pure gas and candy. The flavor is clean and smooth with the concentrated taste of green and pink chew candies filling the mouth, delicious. As the bud burns down at the very end spices and herbs come out.
The high has a now familiar and welcome result of a fully relaxed body and stimulated mind. A great way to engage in problem solving without the stress and silliness of the world mixing up everything. Stress is low focus is high.
I highly recommend Fire Farms’ RS11 to all consumers. The aroma, the flavor and high are all excellent and enjoyable. The bud is on the strong side—so novice consumers should approach and take it in moderation.