Grower: Polaris+
Rating: 4.4
The good folks from Polaris+ were kind enough to pick out a couple buds for my personal use when we were last in Phuket for UpperCut. The first bud they chose was Super Soap. Super Soap has quite a unique and interesting aroma, fruity and herbal, minty with a post shower left over soapiness—ultra gassy when ground. The flavor starts off first with a gassy burnt rubber followed by a candy sweetness which continues into an herbal minty flavor and ends with a fruity note.
Super Soap begins with what feels like an engaged, focused and alert high. Indeed, I smoked half a joint jumped in the shower and then tucked Mendel Junior off to sleep. I woke up four hours later curled up in bed next to my scion. This bud is definitely a creeper.
Super Soap is too strong for novice consumers—in particular the progressively sleepy effects. But I do recommend this bud to experienced consumers who look for unique flavors and trips from alert to unconscious.