Grower: Four Twenty
Rating: 4.4
I associate the Runtz with Four Twenty. They have been focusing on this cultivar since legalization and I would expect that their research and appreciation has a history pre-dating legalization. When I received a care package from Four Twenty I was very appreciative and not surprised to find a generous sample of the Runtz, but a bit disappointed not to have the opportunity to try something new. That disappointment disappeared as soon as I opened that bag of the Runtz and took in that candy sweet gassy sour tropical aroma. Once lit that aroma seemed to transform perfectly into that flavor with an accompanying creamy rich luxurious smoke. There is no doubt that these Runtz are a super high quality bud and that Four Twenty has mastered their cultivation.
The high is strong—starting midway through my relatively large joint. The bud is uplifting, fun and creative but can get into a bit of a head spinning trippy place if not controlled. Indeed, with a half a joint I was running around giggling, jotting down notes, cleaning things around the apartment all with a smile on my face. After finishing the joint (perhaps 1.25 grams) I demolished the chocolate chip cookies in my apartment and attentively watched two episodes of Moon Knight—enjoying every second.
I highly recommend the Runtz to anyone who loves candy flavors. This cultivar will one day be looked at as a classic and perhaps may even define a generation of tokers who came of age about five years ago. It is not necessarily my generation’s bud, but I do have an appreciation for it, and definitely have a great appreciation for Four Twenty’s delivery and cultivation of quality. I would never turn down a bud they’ve grown.